Hank Regression Mewn: 7.57
Orko Acoustic Lazrith: 1.25
Dustin Kygoer Falls: 1.02
Cylence Lucky Knight: 0.69
Roger Ruro Romul: 0.53
EP Account is currently at 14.57 PED!
PEDtoClick Account is currently at 2.80 PED!
17.37 PED has been Generated towards out goal of 1,500 PED for a Calypso Land Deed or Store!
These are the Top 5 in the Society at generating additional PED for the Company! This is a very important part of the Program, as every PEC Counts.
If you are not already, please join up to drive these numbers even higher!
Once we have a stable Weekly PED Income from EP, we will reward our Top 5 every Month with Prizes or PED!
To date, the Company EP Account holds 12.52 and is growing daily!